Flourishing after 60

Create the life that fulfills you...

Are you on track to flourish in your decades of retirement? Click here to receive this self-assessment to reflect on the state of your fulfillment.

It is Time to  Focus on Your Fulfillment...

Program Options

As we arrive at our 60's and beyond, we usually are thinking about  no longer working full time and creating a new kind of life during retirement. Now is the time in your life when you have a choice about what that will be. Are you ready?

Everyone's journey is different, yet here are some situations that might arise: 

  • Having no routine isn't fun anymore
  • Loss of 'identity' - do I matter?
  • Isolation
  • Boredom
  • "Busyness" isn't fulfilling
  • Your inspired retirement plan doesn't feel at all like you imagined

It is time put on your best explorer outfit and step into your adventure of possibilities.

Dr. Ardith Bowman offers you a safe and welcoming context in which to:

  • explore what you truly desire, 
  • focus on creating a clear picture of the life you choose,
  • address limiting beliefs and patterns common to women,
  • and begin to develop the confidence, self-trust and tools to continue your journey. 

You may be considering leaving full-time work, just entering this new time of freedom, or have been in your post full-time life for a while, wondering how to create a life of fulfillment and vitality.

Ardith will guide and support you in a clear and proven process as you develop a clear sense of direction and learn how to continue your chosen journey forward.  You will create your future by design; it is your unique journey.  

Any transition period offers the opportunity to live a more vital life.  It could be retirement, or losing a partner, or moving. This is the time to seek guidance and support as you navigate your way forward.

Schedule a chat with Ardith  here. 

Focus on Your Fulfillment 

Now is the time for you to prioritize your own fulfillment and flourish on your own terms as you live your retirement phase of life.

What does that look like for you? There are no "right answers," only answers that are right for you. This is a perfect option if you feel "stuck," are figuring out retirement or simply ready to redirect your life.

Are you one of us who view our phase of life as a time of the most freedom to live the life you want? What a joy! It can also be a bit disconcerting because we don’t really have many affirmative examples and it is different for each of us anyway.  The way ahead is to take the time to prioritize you, make the most of this freedom, and create a life that fulfills you.

Learn More Here
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Flourish - Grow More Love in Your Life

Loneliness and isolation increase as we age. Approximately 25% of adults over 65 report isolation and loneliness.

Retirement often represents a loss of every day relationships and community.

Authentic connections are essential for your happiness, vitality, and longevity. Note-  People who feel lonely are 50% more likely to die in any given year.

From the heart relationships give you a feeling of fulfillment, they may help you maintain independence… and then the list of benefits is long for romantic love. 

Feeling lonely is not good for you in any way.  Connecting, loving, giving, receiving makes for a full and healthy life. 

It is a decision; it is action. It is very possible.

So let’s not just talk about it.  Let’s create your life of true, healthy relationships.  There is a proven path.

Take a 6 session journey into deeper and broader fulfilling relationships in your life.

  • Love yourself so you can give and receive love from your heart
  • Be a friend to create heart-based connections with others
  • Open to intimacy – open yourself to the trust, respect and authenticity of a deep loving relationship


Click for more information


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"It is like I have been facing a brick wall, and now there is light coming through." 

(Ardith has) “the knowledge to be flexible and sense what people need in the moment.”

– Jody

You’ve helped me believe in me again and to know I deserve only the best in life thanks to your coaching. 

At 66 years young you have given me the confidence and tools that are priceless in helping me create what I desire and bringing me to this now exciting new stage in my life. 

Your insights and guidance you provided are amazing. 

Thank you does not cover how grateful I am! 


I found Ardith to be a very genuine life guide with a beautiful heart. She is deeply intuitive, flexible, responsive, open, organised, prepared, knowledgeable and wise. I received everything that I needed and wanted from our times together and from the considered and poignant questions for me to ponder in between these times.

Ardith individualised her processes and timing to specifically help me address my unique challenges and my strengths while holding the space for me to incorporate the learning and the opportunities from both. Ardith bore tender witness to me opening a stunning portal into my future that is full of the bittersweet, awe, gratitude, humility, integrity, joy, delight, compassion, wisdom, agency and fun.

I offer my heartfelt thanks to Ardith. I cannot recommend her, or her work, highly enough!   -JH

...because of very unexpected business and family changes that affected what I had hoped retirement would be like, I was in the midst of a very painful, uncertain, and low self-esteem mindset when I started Ardith’s program.  Somehow and sometimes in life we are blessed with the right people coming into our lives at exactly the right time, and that’s who Ardith has been for me.  She brought the best measure of compassion, space, care, and guidance in re-focusing my thoughts and next steps regarding my own well-being, community, purpose and mindset. There are many pieces to the puzzle of healing, and also of aging.  Ardith has been one of the bigger pieces in helping me to see that regardless of outward circumstances, unexpected changes, and what others are going through, I am still worthy and capable of peace, love and happiness in the months and years ahead.  I had lost my clarity and had no idea what to do, and now I am grounded and clear.  I have renewed faith and belief in myself, and I am moving forward with the best decisions and choices for me in creating my life of joy.  – C.C.

“In just a few sessions, she was able to help me identify my strengths and the roadblocks that kept me from realizing my potential.  With her help, I was able to see how I sabotaged myself and developed techniques to stop this damaging pattern."  

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Flourish - Grow More Love in Your Life

Together in 6 sessions you will map and begin creating the relationships that will enrich and bring joy and enduring vitality into your life.

You will learn techniques you can use again and again to live a life where you heart is full.

What we will do……………….

  • You will focus on the three key relationship areas that can impact the quality of your life and even add quality years! 
    • Self-care, self-love
    • Authentic and fulfilling relationships
    • Deep intimacy, whether romantic or not
  • You will explore and take action in each of the three areas, in sequence
  • You will receive personal coaching to talk through barriers and mindset habits that may be limits to the love in your life
  • You will have a personal map that you can return to in order to continue your journey going forward.
  • The only way to create more love in your life is to begin now. 
Join the Journey - Let's Chat

Ready to create a life with fulfillment and vitality?

Take the assessment here

Click Here to begin

Contact Ardith to explore the support that will help you flourish


If you know you are ready for clarity and fulfillment, schedule a call with  Ardith to discuss your next steps HERE.