A Letter to my Older Self


Originally published in Sixtyand Me on June 19, 2024.  https://sixtyandme.com/letter-to-older-self/

A few weeks ago, we read a wonderful article about writing a letter to your younger self. The idea behind that seems to relate to honoring the wisdom and growth we are blessed with as the years pass, and that with a dose of self-compassion. My immediate thought was to turn this upside down and write a letter to my older self, so she knows that I am living with all the wisdom I have now to support who I am becoming.

Loving My Older Self

I am about to turn 76, so I am reflecting on the woman I will be at 96. We know that our beliefs about aging influence the quality of our lives as we age. For example, if you believe it is normal for an 80-year-old to go on an active vacation with kayaking and hiking, then it is likely that you will do that yourself, and live the lifestyle that supports doing so.

So, the question is, what do I believe...

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Try Being an Explorer


BY ARDITH BOWMAN NOVEMBER 08, 2023 LIFESTYLE https://sixtyandme.com/life-transition-explorer/

If you are experiencing some kind of life transition, you may be eager to get settled into your new phase. It might be leaving full-time work, or living alone for the first time in years, or having to adapt to new physical conditions. No matter the reason, life changes may be a time to reassess your sense of self and approach to life.

I had a recent conversation with a woman about how to create a revised life that is more fulfilling and satisfying. She asked me how she can know what she really wants out of all the possibilities and her perceived limits. That’s a very good question that requires a thorough response. Here we go!

“Thinking” That You Know

Knowing is more than what you ‘think’, literally. For example, when I left full-time teaching, I planned to teach courses part-time and enjoy...

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This is Our Time of Freedom

Many people in the life phase after full-time work use the word “freedom” to describe their experience. When we dig deeper, we find that there are different explanations of what freedom really means to each of us. I am curious about what is true for you.


Is This a Time of Freedom for You?

Freedom may not be how you would describe your life after full-time work and other life responsibilities. For some, responsibilities continue, such as caring for a family member or even raising grandchildren. For others, it may feel as though there is no longer a purpose. 

You may have a full life just taking care of your own wellness. For about 30% of our generation of women, loneliness defines this phase. What are some of the words you use to describe what this phase of life is like for you?

How Do You Define Your Freedom?

If you do identify with the notion that this phase is a time of freedom, stop and reflect on what you mean by that. Is it “freedom...

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Vitality Doman #2 - Mindset


BY ARDITH BOWMAN MAY 09, 2023 MINDSET sixtyandme.com

We are continuing our exploration of the Vitality Domains that support our healthy aging. The second of four life areas that influence our health span is mindset. This encompasses our beliefs about aging, optimism, and mindfulness or presence.

As you read the articles, remember to notice your reaction to the different life areas. Allow yourself to hear your inner voice; you may recognize an area or two where nurturing it may well make a difference in your health span! It is time to take the actions that will support healthy aging so we can relish every minute of life.

 Read the introductory article for a quick review: CULTIVATING YOUR HEALTH SPAN IS EASIER THAN EVER.

Read the first article in the Vitality mini-series: LOVING LIFE WITH WELL-BEING AND ENERGY.

Mindset is significant because your assumptions about life and how you...

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Vitality Doman #1 -Loving Life with Well-being and Energy



I’m resurfacing after three weeks of a respiratory virus that sure seemed Covid-like even though I tested negative. I haven’t been sick for a long time; it reinforced just how crucial wellness and vitality are to quality of life.

I could not do any of the things that bring me joy, much less think straight. So, let’s recommit to taking the actions that will influence our health-span so we can enjoy every minute of this precious life.


Well-being and energy comprise the first area for us to explore as we seek to influence our “health span.” It is all about our fitness, diet, managing stress, play and living a life that energizes us.

In a way, this is the most challenging area to influence because we all already know what constitutes a good diet, that we need a good night’s sleep, and that...

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